The National Institute of Arts & Management Sciences (NIAMS) is actively committed to
sustaining the excellence of its programs. We further commit ourselves to make them
flexible, versatile, and comprehensive in order to meet the needs of our students.
We empower our students to fulfill their academic and professional passions in an
Institution that is dynamic, welcoming, and inclusive for all students, faculty, and staff.
Creating innovative connections among education, humanities, the social sciences, and
the engineering disciplines are an important factor. Strengthening support for a dynamic
faculty dedicated to teaching and mentoring also plays an important role. We will
continue to recruit and retain students and to enhance their progress toward graduation
and their success in employment, further study, and life.
Pursuing enlightenment and creativity…
We are an Educational Institution having a strong emphasis on student-centered
education that prepares the students for a life of service to their community. Our classes
are led by leading practitioners in their fields to provide students with real-world skills
and enable them to complete their education and enter the job market in a confident
manner. We encourage our students to dream, to think critically, creatively, and
insightfully, and to engage in their own lives, their communities, and the world.
Our educators are focused on skill readiness so all students regardless of background
will be able to become successful, competent and confident professionals. NIAMS
follows and practices its unique Mission Statement stating “Quality Education
with Affordable Price”.